Friday, December 12, 2008

Health care: Lost in the news

" . . . [F]ormer Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota to be . . . secretary of Health and Human Services . . . [and] director of a new White House office of health reform, from which he'll direct the administration's quest to curb runaway health care costs and provide insurance to the uninsured.
Obama suggested that he doesn't know how he'd pay for his plans to expand health care. As a candidate, he proposed financing it by raising taxes on those who make more than $250,000 a year. Now, he's considering delaying those tax increases lest they slow economic recovery.
"I have not made yet a determination in terms of how we're going deal with the rollback of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans," he said Thursday. He added, however, that some of the cost would be offset by savings from health-care efficiencies. He plans, for example, to push for streamlining medical billing and using more information technology to shave costs."

Let's review: "He doesn't know how he'd pay for his plans to expand health care", because he's not going to repeal the Bush tax cut, and he's not going to increase taxes on the wealthy, and his only source of funding for national health insurance is "streamlining medical billing and using more information technology to shave costs", i.e., pennies on the dollar.

Does anyone doubt that plans for national health insurance will be "delayed due to the economic crisis"?

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