Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rep. Linda Sanchez, Single and Pregnant

It's actually going to be funny, listening to the people who attacked Bristol Palin defend Linda Sanchez. And, vice versa, of course.

1 comment:

JamesR said...

When and if you can identify any of the same people who defended Bristol Palin, "attack" this congresswoman, be sure to let me know. Thanks.

Also, last time I checked, Bristol Palin was a hmmm...oh yeah PRIVATE CITIZEN, and was also a...hmmm, oh yeah, TEENAGER,...who..
ACCIDENTICALLY got pregnant.

In contrast to a 39 year-old professional politician who is a public figure and who chose to get pregnant. Hardly comparable situations if people are going to critique. But I guess that's just me. And not that I give a shit what the congresswoman does.

Bristol would have been a HEROINE to about 80% of YOUR fellow democrats, if a) her mother was a left wing Democrat, and b) had she aborted the baby.

The entire family would have been on the cover of People Magazine with in an extremely sympathetic photo and the caption "Bristols' agonizing choice."

She'd be invited on Ophrah. She'd be getting warm, teary hugs from the women on The View. She be the featured "Person of the Week" on ABC's Friday night news. Et Cetera, ad nauseam.

I read the linked article and if you pay attention, you will see an example of how a liberal media lie about, or a twisted version of, a former event, becomes accepted historical "fact."

Way back when it originally happened, those who control the narrative and the message, (the MSM) announced that Dan Quayle "declared war" on "single mothers" in general and with his Murphy Brown comments. That he was essentially sliming and trashing ALL single mothers, including young girls who get accidentally pregnant, with his comments.

That was a lie. But it was repeated over and over enough times that it is now officially the "truth" in the history books. The actual truth was that he was being critical of Hollywood's and the post-modern secular media culture's ever increasing attempt at that time, to "normalize" and even GLAMORIZE the feminist concept in vogue then, that Fathers are optional but not at all necessary in a child's life. And there were well-to-do women like the Murphy Brown character who were deciding to equip themselves with a child as an accessory - like Paris Hilton's miniature poodle she carries around in her purse.

The modernist, hip liberal concept that that was perfectly okay, never caught on with the populace in general, and the notion that the lack of a Dad in the house had no negative effect on kids got debunked, and it faded as a fad. Quayle was simply a little ahead of his time, and was also being politically incorrect, which by definition means speaking contrary to the official Liberal party line, an is an unpardonable crime in today's society.

And will be more so, now that The One and his followers are wallowing in Glorious Victory. One wrong word, and you're a racist, or a bigot, and must be shunned and thown out of polite society.

Fast forward to Bill Cosby stating politically incorrect truths - - that was incredibly courageous on his part, and I'm surprised he wasn't thrown out of all "acceptable" social circles. Then again, maybe he was evicted, since I never saw or heard from him during The Messiah's triumphant campaign.