Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hillary wasn't racist?

"[T]he extended calendar and the participation of all of America in the decision was perhaps the best that came out of [primary season]. . . . Could Obama have made those kinds of dramatic improvements without having to build infrastructure and deliver his message in those states all the way back in May? I'd bet "no". There are lots of reforms that need to be made to the primary process . . . but this isn't one of them. Any reforms should try and ensure that as much of America as possible can engage in the process. It may be one of the best tools we have toward building a successful 50-state national party."

Then why was Hillary called an evil racist dead ender for refusing to quit the primary contest until all America got to vote?


jana said...

Let the re-writing of History begin!!

Never was anyone called a racist by our Dear Leader or his cronies!

Everyone was a worthy opponent, and it fills Barack's heart with despair that anyone had to lose in order for him to win.

(God, sarcasm feels good!)

JamesR said...

I'll gain a tiny modicum of respect for the Kos gang, and for that matter, liberal Democrats in general (which does not include our host, Barry), when the day comes when they mock those moonbats within their own ranks who were absolutely 100% certain that Bush/Rove/Cheney were plotting "another fake terror attack" before the election, so that they could declare a state of national emergency, and "suspend" the elections and seize dictatorial control of the government.

Yes, there was a significant element of the Obama voter crowd who actually believed in this.

[As an aside, isn't that just typical liberal projection - because if elections ever WOULD be "suspended" isn't it more likely to happen under a President raised by, educated by, and mentored by, Marxists?]

I want confessions of error, and apologies from those tools, for their hateful vitriol, which includes insane conspiracy theories directed towards the outgoing President these past 8 years. I did not vote for anyone closely resembling, in ANY REMOTE WAY, Adolph Hitler, and I'd like an apology please.

I want all Kos and other moonbat blog posters who ever, once, posed such a suggestion (BushCheney seizing dictatorial powers) to man-up and come on line and admit they were being immature, foolish, paranoid, and idiotic.

And then, and only then, will I agree to "give Obama a chance."

This "let's all sing Kumbaya and hold hands and come together and get along" is ONLY trotted out after a Dem wins the White House. After a Republican, it is "can XXX reach across and try to heal the divisions?"

That bullshit isn't working this time. After 8 years of non-stop hate and venom directed at W? So over the top as having actual ELECTED POLITICIANS from the majority party accusing him wanting black people to drwon in New Orleans?

Don't even think about it, this time around.