Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More numbers

Obama's 8+ million vote victory over John McCain was largely attributable to two phenomena - - about 5.8 million more minorities voted in this year's presidential election than in 2004, and nearly 1.2 million fewer whites went to the polls.

Obviously, the surge in minority voters was due to excitement over the opportunity to vote for the first black president. But, what will happen when Obama’s not on the ballot? Or, when Obama runs for re-election after the novelty has worn off?

Significantly, the “missing” white voters were blue collar Hillary supporters, who stayed home because they were turned off by both Obama and Sarah Palin. Where will these blue collar white voters eventually settle?

1 comment:

JamesR said...

A lot of them were turned off by Sarah Palin due to the main stream media's successful "Dan Qualyization" of her. That was the objective from day one. That was the overrarching campaign. And it worked. A successful, smart, and accomplished Govenor who has an 80%+ approval rating in her own state - someone who would be hailed as the heroic "Woman of the Decade" in every magazine on every newstand in American if she only had a "D" after her name, was a "wink-wink" a/k/a fake Christian, and enthusiatically favored killing unborn babies. But since she isn't she is instead a total moron who is beloved only by a rabble of bare-footed, mouth breathing, Trailer park Jeeebus Lovers.

The MSM got a big assist of course from the Beltway elitists from her own party and McCain's own camp.

That'll teach that uppidity hillbilly to dare strike out into politics. She can just damn well go back to her neanderthal hunting hobby, her fictional fairy tale messiah, and her cheap Walmart clothes, right?

Some poll came out showing that 56% of the voters had no idea that Obama kicked off his political career in the home of a former WeatherUnderground member; almost 83% did not know that Obama won his first election by getting his opponents kicked off the ballot; 82% did not know that Joe Biden had to withdraw from a presidential race due to revelations of plagiarism......yet 87% thought Palin said she could "see Russia from her house" (she did not; a television comedian said it); and 86% knew that the GOP spent $150,000 on her wardrobe.

Mission accomplished. They not only get Obama elected, they forever poison the well against Palin ever hitting the national stage again. Got to hand them all props - a job well done.

Those voters may have a chance to be won back, by a Republican party that presents a consistent conservative message, and demands that its members act that way too, instead of talking conservative and then turning into big spender, earmark loving, democrats when they hit Washington. After all, a lot of them voted for Reagan.

But with the MSM in solid control of "the message" I am not counting on that. They will be won over instead by some media-approved, slick talking liberal who sounds and acts like a Centrist while he is campaigning - there will be another John Edwards somewhere out there for them, I'm guessing.