Saturday, June 12, 2010

NY's mayor is losing it

British Petroleum's CEO Tony Hayward, blamed by many for the Gulf oil spill, doesn't have many public backers these days -- except perhaps New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has defended BP CEO Tony Hayward, blamed by many for the worst oil spill in U.S. history. "The guy that runs BP didn't exactly go down there and blow up the well," Bloomberg said during his weekly radio talk with John Gambling on WOR-AM, reports the New York Times. "If you want him to fix it and they're the only ones with the expertise, I think I might wait to assign blame till we get it fixed," the mayor said.

Bloomberg is the guy who initially speculated that the Times Square bombing attempt was the work of a lone white right wing man upset by health care reform . . . until it turned out to be a jihadist conspiracy from abroad.

BP spilled the oil. We know that. There is no need to "wait to assign blame" for spilling the oil.

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