Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Others involved" in the BP oil gusher

A new report from an independent scientific panel says BP and its contractors missed and ignored key warning signs and failed to fully recognize important risks in the days and hours leading up to the massive Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout.

Some of the panel's conclusions appear more critical of BP, the owner of the well, than preliminary findings issued last week by the presidential oil spill commission.

That commission said while BP made decisions that saved time it found no evidence that employees consciously chose saving money over safety. The National Academy of Engineering, which issued the latest report, said BP and others involved in the disaster failed to manage risks and didn't even have a system in place to weigh safety against costs.

BP "and others involved" in the disaster failed to manage risks and didn't even have a system in place to weigh safety against costs. Who are those "others involved"?

They would include the federal inspectors and the political appointees working for Barack Obama, the president who received more campaign donations from BP than any other politician, any where, ever, in history.

Of course, the media thinks the big political scandals of the day are "Dancing with the Stars" vote rigging and airport inspectors touching your inner thigh.

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