Monday, May 25, 2009

The price of Ted Kennedy's endorsement?

Ted Kennedy's endorsement was the most timely, crucial and powerful received by Barack Obama during the presidential primary season.

It signalled that the Washington, D.C. establishment had declared the Democratic presidential primary race over, notwithstanding the remaining primaries and caucuses. And, it signalled that the pressure would be on Hillary to withdraw, notwithstanding her ultimate vote and delegate totals or prior super delegate commitments.

Immediately after the election, the White House got fully behind Caroline Kennedy's unsuccessful (and embarrassing) effort to inherit the New York Senate seat.

Now, the Obama media people are lining up behind Chris Kennedy, the son of the late U.S. Sen. Bobby Kennedy, for Obama's old Illinois U.S. senate seat.,CST-NWS-SNEED08.article

We know that Ted Kennedy believes his family earned and owns a permanent place in the U.S. Senate. It seems clearer all the time that Ted traded his endorsement, machine and mailing list in exchange for a senate seat, any senate seat, for a younger Kennedy.

Hillary's New York ties and prior commitments made that deal impossible. It's a deal Obama could have, and apparently did, make with Ted Kennedy.

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