Monday, January 12, 2009

Guantánamo promise to be broken

"President-elect Barack Obama warned Sunday - - on the seventh anniversary of the opening of the war-on-terrorism prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba - - that he likely would not make good on his campaign pledge to close it during his first 100 days in office. . . .

Obama warned that closing the prison camps is 'more difficult than I think a lot of people realize. Part of the challenge that you have is that you have a bunch of folks that have been detained, many of whom may be very dangerous, who have not been put on trial or have not gone through some adjudication.'"

Obama now thinks "closing the prison camps is 'more difficult than I think a lot of people realize'"?

Tell him it's not "a lot of people" who think it's easy. It's Barack Obama. Obama is the one who promised to close Guantánamo Bay prison camp during his first 100 days in office.

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