Friday, January 30, 2009

David Broder lost it

Read Broder's column regarding Rod Blagojevich.

Broder's beef with Blago: "When I was in Springfield almost two years ago for a bipartisan dinner at the Lincoln Library, I was told by prominent Republicans and Democrats that the Blagojevich administration was “the worst ever.”"

Obviously, Broder doesn't realize that being a bad governor is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense. And, that Blago hasn't yet been charged with a crime. Or, that Blago was reelected after that dinner, notwithstanding the insiders' opinions.

And Broder's analysis of the prosecution? "Fitzgerald was already working his way up through Blagojevich’s chain of command, bringing in one official after another, convicting them, then offering some leniency in sentencing in return for their testimony against higher-ups. It was assumed at that dinner that eventually Fitzgerald would have the pieces in place to show that Blagojevich was at the center of this criminal conspiracy."

Broder ignores that Blago was arrested (and now impeached) before the prosecutor had "the pieces in place to show that Blagojevich was at the center of this criminal conspiracy". Shouldn't the prosecutor know (and tell you) which crime you've committed before you're arrested and punished? You know, due process and the right to confront your accusers?

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