Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Obama-style success in Afghanistan

A provincial governor and at least 14 other people were killed by a massive bomb blast inside a packed mosque during Friday prayers in northern Afghanistan, where insurgents have stepped up violence amid intensified NATO-Afghan military operations.

. . . Gen. Shah Jahan Noori, the provincial police chief, said the governor of neighboring Kunduz province, Mohammad Omar, was killed along with 14 other people. The bomb was meant to kill Omar, who regularly attends Friday prayers at the mosque, Takhar Gov. Abdul Jabar Taqwa said.

"He was the target, and the terrorists were able to kill him," Taqwa said. "This is a big loss for us because Mohammad Omar was a very brave and good governor."


Islamic militants bomb mosques while people are at prayer.

Meanwhile, Americans peacefully protest the construction of a mosque at Ground Zero, appealing to the sensitivity of the developers, while fully acknowledging the constitutional right to build the mosque.

Why is it the Americans who are deemed the "Islamophobes"?

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