Sunday, October 31, 2010

The men our children are fighting to protect

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Monday his office receives cash in bags from Iran, but said it is a transparent form of aid that helps cover expenses at the presidential palace, and that the United States makes similar payments.

The comments came after a report on Sunday that Karzai's chief of staff, Omar Dawoodzai, receives covert bagfuls of money -- possibly as much as $6 million in a single payment -- which neighboring Iran sends in a bid to secure influence and loyalty.

The New York Times, citing an unnamed Afghan official, said that millions of dollars in cash channeled from Iran have been used to pay Afghan lawmakers, tribal elders and Taliban commanders.

White House spokesman Bill Burton said the international community should have "every reason to be concerned about Iran trying to have a negative influence on Afghanistan."

There is no reason for one more American to die fighting for these crooked Afghan puppets of our enemy Iran.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. "buffeted by political controversy"?

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., whose career and personal life have been buffeted by political controversy in recent months, said Monday he would not run for Chicago mayor in 2011.

I guess when the newspapers like you, and are afraid of your father, they say "buffeted by political controversy" rather than "caught on tape trying to bribe a governor into appointing you to the senate" or "caught conducting an affair on government time with government money".

By the way, in case you forgot - - Little Jesse was one of those who said Bill's infidelity barred Hillary from consideration for public office. Somehow, I doubt Jesse and his wife will now resign their public offices.

Moderate Iranians?

Iranian authorities have amputated the hand of a convicted thief in front of other prisoners, state radio reported Sunday, in a possible step toward restoring the punishment to common use and carrying it out in public.

Cutting off the hands of thieves — allowed for by the Iranian judiciary’s strict reading of Islamic law — has been rare in Iran in recent years, but the amputation reported Sunday was the second this month. And a week ago, a judge ordered the same punishment for a man who stole from a candy shop, though that ruling can still be appealed.

Remember, our inexperienced naive president thought he could negotiate with these Iranian "moderates".

Friday, October 29, 2010

More alarmist junk science regarding junk food

As many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050, federal officials announced Friday in a dramatic new projection that represents a threefold increase.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 10 have diabetes now, but the number could grow to 1 in 5 or even 1 in 3 by mid-century if current trends continue.

"This is alarming," said Ann Albright, director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation.

The agency's projections have been a work in progress. The last revision put the number at 39 million in 2050. The new estimate takes it to the range of 76 million to 100 million.

An estimated 24 million Americans have diabetes currently.

Years ago, they told us a nuclear power plant leak could create a hole in the earth straight through from Pennsylvania to China ("The China Syndrome"). The story sold lots of tickets, and nearly killed the (carbon neutral!) U.S. nuclear power industry, but of course it never happened.

More recently, they told us that New York City would imminently be covered by glaciers as a result of global warming on "The Day After Tomorrow". Again, they sold lots of books and tickets, and people now blame everything they don't like about the weather anywhere on any day on global warming (they even blame it for things like earthquakes, which no scientist has ever said is in any way impacted by global warming). But, by now it's been well over one thousand days after tomorrow, and still no glaciers in Central Park.

The newest junk science media manipulation involves obesity, fast food and sweet drinks. By linking increasing obesity rates to increasing diabetes rates, and then projecting out increasing diabetes rates in a straight line, they get to scream "1 in 3 U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050!" . . . unless the food cops get to ban McDonald's and Coke and salt on your fries. That's nonsense. If you straight line project increasing rates of anything, your numbers always "prove" that eventually it will be universal. That never happens.

There are obvious dangers involved in nuclear power, carbon pollution and obesity. Why don't these busybodies ever honestly state their arguments and reasons, without resorting to lies, distortion and gross exaggeration?

Why local governments are going broke

Because they spent like fools when times were good:

The city held a "Curtain Up" ceremony for the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center on Sunday afternoon, letting residents tour the 14,864-square-foot, 324-seat waterfront performing arts facility and watch performances by several local arts groups, including many which will be performing at the center after its grand show opening Saturday. . . . Mayor Susan Gotleib watched the festivities, as did City Manger Eric Soroka and Commissioner Bob Diamond. For them and the other commissioners, the opening of the center is the culmination of years of work that began after Hurricane Wilma destroyed the city's old library in 2005.

A city with a population of approximately 30,000, centrally located in the middle of the Miami / Ft. Lauderdale / Palm Beach metropolitan area featuring dozens of public and private performing arts venues, committed to spent millions of dollars at the height of the real estate boom on building this 324 seat theatre. Millions were spent on constructing, and millions will be spent in the future on maintaining, this small, unnecessary and duplicative venue.

Whether it was sports complexes, administrative office buildings or cultural facilities, cities across America spent and spent and spent on capital outlays without considering the costs of repayment or ongoing future maintenance obligations. This is why local governments are going broke - - because they deserve to go broke. And, maybe after they go broke, the people who approved these Taj Mahals will be kicked out of office.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fair and balanced newspapers?

The total content of the front page of the "objective" "Issues & Ideas" section of last Sunday's Miami Herald:

"Scott is either incompetent or a lying crook", about the Republican candidate for Florida governor.

"Voters deserve better than Christine O’Donnell, the Delaware dolt", about various Republican candidates ("like-minded cranks").

"Election polls might be skewed by skipping callers with cell phones", about the "pro-Republican bias" in polls showing Republicans doing well.

And, a point / counterpoint of opinion pieces regarding the class size limits amendment, from former governor Jeb Bush and local teachers' union president Karen Aronowitz.

The blatant bias is overwhelming. Yet, these people in the mainstream media make fun of Fox News for its lack of objectivity. In fact, Fox News is simply their mirror image.

The war in Iraq: We lost, Iran won

American influence has so dwindled in Iraq over the last several months that Iraqi lawmakers and political leaders say they no longer follow Washington’s advice for forming a government. Instead, Iraqis are turning to neighboring nations, and especially Iran, for guidance — casting doubt on the future of the American role in this strategic country after a grinding war that killed more than 4,400 U.S. soldiers.

Iran tried to conquer Iraq, we supported Iraq, and therefore Iran failed.

But, we then invaded Iraq, toppled the Iraqi leadership and, after almost 10 years and 4,400+ dead American soldiers, effectively gave Iraq to Iran.

Heck of a job.

Trouble ahead in Egypt

A top ruling party official has given the strongest indication to date that Egypt's 82-year-old President Hosni Mubarak will seek another six-year term of office in elections next year despite recent health troubles and speculation he's grooming his son for power.

Mubarak, who with nearly 30 years in office is already Egypt's longest serving ruler in nearly two centuries, would be almost 90 if he serves another full term. His health has been the subject of intense speculation after he had surgery this year to remove his gall bladder and a benign growth in the lining of his small intestine.

Mubarak, a former air force pilot and a close U.S. ally, has since sought to dispel speculation, with a busy work schedule, including foreign travel, strenuous field visits and meetings with visiting dignitaries — all covered extensively by state media. He has looked relatively fit, despite significant weight loss after his operation in Germany seven months ago.

Our alliance with Egypt, the most populous Arab nation, is dependent upon a man in poor health, in his 80's, with no clear successor, who is trying to hand over power to his son.

Within the decade, there will be trouble for U.S. interests in Egypt.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reaching out to "moderates"

Radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki lunched at the Pentagon as part of a program to reach out to moderate Muslims in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a military official said Thursday.

The U.S.-born al-Qaida operative is now on a U.S. kill-or-capture list.

U.S. investigators say e-mails link al-Awlaki to the Army psychiatrist accused of last year's killings at Fort Hood, Texas. They also say that he helped prepare Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, accused in the Christmas airline bombing attempt, and that he had links to the failed Times Square bombing.

Marine Corps Col. Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said al-Awlaki was invited to the Department of Defense's headquarters after 9/11 as part of a broader effort under then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to establish better ties with the Muslim community.

This demonstrates the difficulty in reaching out to so called "moderates" - - there really aren't that many where the Middle East is concerned.

Of course, I'm sure the media will dismiss it all as an understandable reaction to vicious American Islamophobia.

More "success" in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has thrown out nearly a quarter of ballots cast in last month's parliamentary elections because of fraud, according to full preliminary results released Wednesday.

The findings, which confirmed earlier reports, indicated that cheating was pervasive in the Sept. 18 vote that many hoped would show the Afghan government's commitment to reforming its corrupt bureaucracy.

But observers also praised the voided ballots as an achievement because it meant that the election officials had kept fraudulent ballots out of the totals.

Any election in which one quarter of the ballots were either fraudulently cast or wrongfully thrown out is not an election for which Americans should die. Unfortunately, because of the policies of the successful "anti war" presidential candidate, they have, they are and they will.

As expected, little progress in Haiti

A top U.N. expert says Haiti remains in a "profound humanitarian crisis" and that reconstruction must begin urgently.

The statement issued Tuesday by Walter Kaelin cites "no substantial progress toward durable solutions."

Kaelin is the world body's top representative on the rights of people displaced within countries. He issued the statement from Geneva about a month after visiting the quake-ravaged nation.

He urges international donors to provide flexible, targeted funding and says Haiti's government should endorse a plan for an estimated 1.3 million people still living in temporary camps.

Kaelin also denounces forced evictions of squatters and condemns high levels of violence against women and children.

Haiti is the perfect storm of corruption, environmental degradation, moral degeneracy and political instability. Additionally, it sits in a hurricane path on a zone of seismic activity. Billions of dollars in aid can be thrown at Haiti without solving its problems. The best we can do for the Haitian population is resettlement elsewhere.

The international community should consider turning that uninhabitable and despoiled half island into a nature preserve until it heals itself.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More Islamophobia

A New York City-born man was ordered to return from Hawaii where he was arrested on charges he tried to join the U.S. military at a Times Square recruiting station so he could be deployed to Iraq, desert and fight with anti-American insurgency forces.

Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, 21, was charged with making false statements in the midst of a New York-based terrorism investigation, authorities said Monday.

A U.S. Department of Justice news release said Shehadeh was arrested Friday in Honolulu. A judge there ordered him on Monday to return to Brooklyn to face charges. It was unclear when he would appear in a New York court.

. . . "As charged in the complaint, Shehadeh lied about the purpose of his travel to Pakistan, then he lied in his attempt to join the U.S. military, and lied about why he sought to enlist," Janice Fedarcyk, head of New York's FBI office, said in a statement. "The real purpose, it is alleged, was not to join U.S. forces, but to wage war against them. Stopping one prospective terrorist can prevent untold numbers of casualties."

I'm sure our mainstream media will declare that "New York City-born" Abdel Hameed Shehadeh he was simply acting reasonably in response to America's supposedly vicious Islamophobia.

Of course, no one will ever mention that the American Muslim community is the freest, richest, most educated and most liberated Muslim community in the history of the world.

Obama says split your ticket?

Obama has pointedly declined to endorse his party's candidate for governor [in Rhode Island].

Obama can "take his endorsement and really shove it," declared Democrat Frank Caprio, battling Republican-turned-independent Lincoln Chafee in a Rhode Island gubernatorial race rated tight in the polls. Chafee endorsed Obama during the 2008 campaign for the White House. . . .

Caprio called Obama's rebuff "Washington insider politics at its worst." Rhode Island's congressional delegation expressed disapproval about Caprio's remarks, but the executive director of the Democratic Governors Association said the president's decision was disappointing.

"Frank Caprio has spent his career fighting for the values of the Democratic Party. He deserves the full support of our party and its leaders," said executive director Nathan Daschle.

If anything, the White House made it clearer that Caprio will not get Obama's endorsement. "Out of respect for his friend Lincoln Chafee, the president decided not to get involved in this race," said White House spokesman Bill Burton. It was the first time the White House had cited Chafee as the reason for Obama's non-endorsement of a Democrat.

What a stupid thing to do in a year when you want your base to hold their noses and vote party line straight down the ticket!

Ironically, if Caprio's fight with Obama gets him a few more Republican votes, Caprio will win.

Mrs. Thomas needs to stop drinking

Anita Hill is refusing to apologize for accusing then-Supreme Court justice nominee Clarence Thomas of sexually harassing her, in an issue that Thomas' wife has reopened 19 years after his confirmation hearings.

. . . Thomas' wife, Virginia, had left a voicemail message on Hill's phone on Oct. 9 asking her to say she was sorry for the allegations that surfaced at Thomas' confirmation hearings for a seat on the high court bench in 1991.

In her statement, Hill said, "I certainly thought the call was inappropriate." She had worked for Clarence Thomas in two federal government jobs before he was selected for the court by President George H.W. Bush for the Supreme Court.

During all the discussion of this matter, no one said it.

But, if Mrs. Thomas is making this kind of early morning phone call, and leaving this kind of voicemail message, she needs to call Betty Ford, not Anita Hill.

There's no shame in that unless you refuse treatment.

Monday, October 25, 2010

More Islamophobia

An Army psychiatrist who went on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood still had nearly 200 rounds of ammunition and a second gun in his pockets when he was shot by police, a military court heard Wednesday.

The gunman had already fired nearly 150 rounds inside a crowded medical building on Nov. 5 from a semiautomatic weapon, killing 13 and wounding dozens, Army investigator Kelly T. Jameson testified at a hearing to determine whether accused gunman Maj. Nidal Hasan will stand trial.

Authorities believe Hasan only fired the semiautomatic because bullets recovered from the victims were from that gun, Jameson said. Hasan had fired another 70 rounds outside the building, Army investigator Duane Mitchell testified.

. . . Several witnesses at the hearing have said the gunman in an Army combat uniform shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — "God is great!" in Arabic — then opened fired in a crowded waiting area. They say he kept firing rapidly, pausing only to reload, and shot people as they hid under tables or curled up in chairs — even shooting soldiers after they fled outside.

It's amazing that the mainstream media can write so much about this terrorist military infiltrator without mentioning his ties to international Islamic terrorist organizations.

Of course, according to the media, the real problem is American Islamophobia.

Silly parents

Samuel Burgos' ordeal started with a little boys' game of Army, in which the 7-year-old, his brother and a neighbor pretended to be soldiers.

But it ended with grown-up consequences when Samuel mistakenly took the clear plastic toy pistol in his backpack to Pembroke Pines Charter School - - resulting in a yearlong expulsion from the Broward school district last November.

"They are treating him as if he was a criminal," said Samuel's father Magdiel Burgos. "He made a mistake."

Samuel is one of 111 children in Broward who were punished last year under Broward's code of conduct, which is based on the state's zero-tolerance campaign for bringing a weapon - - a firearm, explosive or slingshot - - to class.

While intended to protect teachers and fellow students from weapons that can actually cause harm, the classification also includes toys that propel objects, such as water guns and toys that shoot plastic balls like Samuel's.

If this kid pulled out a toy gun in an inappropriate situation, and was shot by a cop, these parents would understand why this rule must be strictly enforced. We have to make sure no weapon, toy or not, is ever brought to school.

More success in Af / Pak / Iraq

Armed groups in the port city of Karachi, Pakistan on Tuesday killed at least 20 people in various attacks caused panic in the city. In one such attack ten people were killed and dozens . . . Violence has been linked to a regional parliament election held last Sunday. Police and law enforcement agencies are seemed to be failed to control the violence in the city.

When we finally get them to hold elections, they are most definitely not free, fair and safe Western-style democratic elections.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

More evidence of "Islamophobia"?

Hosam "Sam" Smadi, 20, was sentenced to 24 years in prison Tuesday, after apologizing in federal court for plotting to blow up a Dallas skyscraper last year.

"Your honor, I'm ashamed of what I did," the Jordanian told U.S. District Judge Barbara M.G. Lynn. "I'm very sorry for my actions. ... I could not have lived with myself if I had hurt anyone."

Smadi was arrested on Sept. 24, 2009, by federal agents who said he had parked what he thought was a car bomb in a garage under the 60-story Fountain Place skyscraper in downtown Dallas.

Once a safe distance away, Smadi dialed a cellphone that he thought would detonate the explosive device, federal officials said. The bomb -- which had been provided to him by undercover FBI agents posing as an al Qaeda sleeper cell -- was inert.
Of course, according to the mainstream media, the problem is American "Islamophobia". And, for some reason, they believe news analysts should be fired if they point out the national origin or religion of wannabe terrorists.

I always thought the job of news outlets was to report all the facts, unvarnished, unglossed, and unspun.

Forget 2010 - - it looks like 2012 is a lost cause

Obama is campaigning as if he's on the ballot . . . probably because he realizes that what happens this election day in 2010 could doom his reelection prospects in 2012.

The poll shows why the central argument in Rubio's campaign -- that he is the only candidate who will stand up to President Barack Obama's agenda -- is a winning message. Only 43 percent of [Florida] voters approve of Obama's handling of his job, while 51 percent disapprove. . . . Fifty-two percent of voters -- and even one in four Democrats -- think the healthcare plan passed by Congress should be repealed. Only about one in three voters think it should remain in place.

In case anyone forgot Bush v. Gore, now would be a good time to remember that nationwide vote totals, big winning margins in New York, California and Illinois, and the popular vote are all irrelevant. Unless the Democratic presidential candidate wins Florida, he loses in the electoral college.

Of course, there has been one big change since 2000 - - Florida's population (and therefore its electoral importance) has increased, while the weight of most traditionally Democratic northern states has declined.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Democratic Party identification is sort of in the toilet"

Republicans appear headed for a clean sweep of all seats on the Florida Cabinet, according to a new statewide poll of likely voters. . . . said Chris Jackson, a pollster with Ipsos Public Affairs, which conducted the survey. "The other people are essentially trading party identification, and the Democratic Party identification is sort of in the toilet."

Regardless of the office in question, "These numbers are falling out along party lines and are less related to the candidates." Translation: All things being equal, Floridians won't vote for the Democrat.

"The attorney general campaign is the closest Cabinet race, with Republican Pam Bondi grabbing 44 percent of voters compared with Democrat Dan Gelber's 36 percent", notwithstanding the fact that "Gelber has held a slight financial edge" throughout the campaign. Left unmentioned is Gelber's role as a leader of the unnecessarily nasty 2008 Obama primary campaign in Florida, which alienated the overwhelmingly pro Clinton Florida party rank and file.

Florida was purple in 2006, and blue in 2008, but, after 2 years of Obama, it's back to deep solid red.

Ironically, the backroom political insiders (Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry, etc.) lined up behind Obama in 2008 because they believed the Clintons were "divisive", but Obama could solidify Democratic party gains. In fact, the opposite was true.

Saddleback Maine has its first snowfall of the season

Saddleback Maine employees arrived this morning to see the upper mountain top covered in the season's first snowfall.

"It's always great to see the first snowfall," said Chris Farmer, general manager at Saddleback. "We're all getting excited for opening day on December 11 and look forward to a great ski season."

It's snowing in October in the Rangeley Lakes region of the western mountains of Maine.

Please remember! This does not disprove the theory of global warming, any more than getting a sunburn in August proves the theory of global warming.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Will the media ever apologize to (former) Rep. Condit?

Jury selection began Monday in the murder trial of a man accused of killing federal intern Chandra Levy nearly a decade ago, a case that derailed a California congressman's career and generated headlines around the world.

Ingmar Guandique, 29, is charged with murder, kidnapping, attempted sexual assault and other counts. Authorities say he attacked Levy while she was jogging alone in Rock Creek Park in May 2001.

Levy's disappearance — her body was not discovered until more than a year after she went missing — caused a national sensation when she was romantically linked to then-Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif. Authorities once considered Condit a prime suspect but no longer believe he had anything to do with her death.

Condit's privacy was violated. His personal peccadilloes were exposed. His career was ruined. His family was destroyed. And, the media declared him guilty of murder.

Except, of course, he didn't do it.

No one in the media who wrongfully hounded Condit has ever suffered any adverse consequence.

But, of course, if an opinion writer admits he gets nervous when he sees someone in traditional Muslim garb on an airplane, he gets fired.

North Korean nukes

North Korea's media on Saturday threatened "1,000-fold" military buildup as the United States ruled out lifting sanctions to try to coax Pyongyang into resuming talks aimed at its nuclear weapons programs.

Last year, North Korea quit the nuclear disarmament talks and later tested an atomic device that drew tightened U.N. sanctions. But the North has recently expressed willingness to rejoin the negotiations, which include the U.S., South Korea, China, Japan and Russia.

"Last year, North Korea . . . tested an atomic device"?

As in the case of Iran, while we wait on talks about talks, North Korea continues with its development of nuclear weapons. It makes you suspect that Obama accepts the existence of nuclear rogue states.

China vs. Chile

A gas explosion Saturday killed at least 21 workers and 16 others were trapped at a coal mine in central China, authorities told state-run media.

Rescuers have retrieved 20 bodies so far, the official Xinhua news agency reported. The 16 trapped miners have been located but rescuers have to clear coal dust from the shaft in order to reach them.

China's State Administration of Work Safety said about 276 workers were underground in the mine in Henan province when the blast occurred. Of those, 239 escaped.

The same mine reported another explosion in August 2008, that killed 23 miners.

China has one of the world's deadliest records for miners, with poor safety standards accounting for thousands of deaths each year.

China joined the world in breathless coverage of the Chilean mine rescue, but when a gas blast killed 21 Chinese miners and trapped 16 Saturday, the national TV evening news didn't report a word.

The difference between China and Chile is the difference between a communist dictatorship and a Western style democracy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

False claims of progress in Afghanistan

With a year-end report card coming due, top U.S. military and civilian officials in Afghanistan have begun to assert that they see concrete progress in the war against the Taliban, a sharp departure from earlier assessments that the insurgency had the momentum.

Despite growing numbers of Taliban attacks and American casualties, U.S. officials are building their case for why they are on the right track, ahead of the December war review ordered by President Obama. They describe an aggressive campaign that has killed or captured hundreds of Taliban leaders and more than 3,000 fighters around the country in recent months, and has pressured insurgents into exploring talks with the Afghan government. At the same time, they say, the Afghan army is bigger and better trained than it has ever been.

"Despite growing numbers of Taliban attacks and American casualties"?

In war, there is no "despite growing numbers of Taliban attacks and American casualties" - - they are the measure of whether you're winning or losing.

Anyone who sees "concrete progress in the war against the Taliban" should not be trusted with Afghan policy.

Border corruption

A border inspector nicknamed "Hammer" pleaded not guilty to taking bribes to help vehicles loaded with illegal immigrants and tons of marijuana get through his lane.

Lorne Leslie Jones accepted more than $500,000 in bribes from January 2000 to December 2009 to allow illegal immigrants and drugs to cross into the United States from Mexico, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday.

This border agent was taking bribes to allow illegal immigrants and drugs into the country from January 2000 to December 2009, and he was only recently stopped.

It seems as if no one watches the watchmen.

How many more agents are doing the same?

Iran playing us for fools on nuclear talks

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Friday that Tehran was ready to resume talks about its nuclear program with the international community within a matter of weeks.

"From our point of view October or November is a good time for the re-establishment of negotiations," Mr. Mottaki said.

It's obvious that Iran is stalling and delaying while continuing to pursue the development of nuclear weapons. On the day when Iran has nuclear weapons, we'll still be awaiting the outcome of talks about Iran's nuclear program.

Iran is playing us for fools. And, because our leaders are fools, Iran can get away with it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

South of the border, down Mejico way

Mexican marines battled suspected drug cartel gunmen whose allies erected at least a dozen roadblocks in the northeastern city of Monterrey, authorities said Friday. One marine and three gunmen were killed.

The gunmen opened fire and threw grenades at a marine patrol Thursday night on a highway on the western city limits, according to a Navy statement.

At the same time, gang members used buses and other vehicles to block at least a dozen main avenues in downtown Monterrey, said Alejandro Garza y Garza, the attorney general of Nuevo Leon state, where Mexico's third-largest city is located.

Such blockades have become a common cartel tactic across northeastern Mexico to impede security forces from calling in reinforcements during shootouts. The region has become one of Mexico's most violent this year since a turf war broke out between the Gulf cartel and its former ally, the Zetas gang of hit men.

While we're messing around in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan, trying to force democracy and western values on people who don't want them, terror is rampant 150 miles south of the unprotected U.S. border.

U.S. budget deficit hits $1.3 trillion

The Obama administration said Friday the federal deficit hit a near-record $1.3 trillion for the just-completed budget year.

That means the government had to borrow 37 cents out of every dollar it spent as tax revenues continued to lag while spending on food stamps and unemployment benefits went up as joblessness neared double-digit levels in a struggling economy.

. . . Outside of the bailout, the federal budget went up by 9 percent in the 2010 budget year to $3.5 trillion, the Congressional Budget Office reported last week. Food stamp payments rose 27 percent as record numbers of people took advantage of the programs, while unemployment benefits rose 34 percent as Congress extended benefits for the long-term jobless.

$1.3 trillion. That's the annual deficit added to our national debt, not the total debt.

Remember, this is the president who promised to balance the budget by ending foreign wars, cutting waste and spending the money at home. Instead, he expanded our foreign wars and spent like a maniac at home.

Nothing will improve until private sector unemployment drops. But, Obama's policies have been intentionally destructive of increased private sector employment. He won't even let them know what next year's tax rate will be.

More Islamophobia?

Four men were found guilty Monday of planning to bomb a synagogue and Jewish center in New York and plotting to shoot military planes with missiles.

James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen -- all from Newburgh, New York -- were charged with conspiring to blow up a synagogue and Jewish community center in the Riverdale section of Bronx, New York. They were also accused of planning to fire surface-to-air-missiles at the New York Air National Guard Base at Stewart Airport in Newburgh, New York.

. . . The jury spent some six weeks listening to testimony and undercover tapes made by the FBI informant who posed as a member of a Pakistani terror group.

The American Muslim community is the freest, richest, most educated and most secure in the history of the world.

But, if Americans oppose the construction of one mosque in one location (while acknowledging the right but questioning the wisdom of the construction), the media deems America guilty of vicious Islamophobia.

On the other hand, if Muslim converts inspired by international Islamic terrorists conspire to blow up synagogues and attack a military base . . . media silence.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Botox approved for treating migraines

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of the anti-wrinkle drug Botox for treating migraine headaches.

Botox is made by California-based drugmaker Allergan.

In a press release, Allergan says the drug will be used to fight chronic migraines, which are severe headaches that strike victims 15 or more days per month and last four hours per day or longer.

Presently, health insurers do not pay for the cosmetic use of botox.

But, health insurers must now pay for the treatment of chronic migraines with botox.

Therefore, expect to see a dramatic rise in the diagnosis of chronic migraines among those over 40 with wrinkles.

No Social Security increase + Medicare cuts = 58.7 million angry voters

Another year without an increase in Social Security retirement and disability benefits is creating a political backlash that has President Barack Obama and Democrats pushing to give a $250 bonus to each of the program's 58 million recipients.

The Social Security Administration said Friday inflation has been too low since the last increase in 2009 to warrant a raise for 2011. The announcement marks only the second year without an increase since automatic adjustments for inflation were adopted in 1975. This year was the first.

. . . A little more than 58.7 million retirees, disabled Americans and surviving spouses and minor children of enrollees receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income. Social Security was the primary source of income for 64 percent of retirees who got benefits in 2008.

. . . The absence of inflation will be of small comfort to many older Americans whose savings and home values haven't recovered from the recession.

. . . "I think seniors are going to be upset because gas has gone up, food has gone up, things in the store are expensive to buy," Dizik said. "Let's face it, prices are rising and I don't know how they do the cost of living."

This two year social security freeze follows the decision to partially fund Obamacare by cutting Medicare. In other words, under Obama, funds are being shifted from 58.7 million Social Security recipients to 30 million people currently without health insurance, in order to pay for their "free" Obamacare sometime in the next 4 years.

Generational theft?

Monday, October 18, 2010

More victims of our "success" in Afghanistan

Seven Western troops were killed Thursday in attacks across Afghanistan, military officials said, bringing the two-day toll for the NATO force to 13 and illustrating the war's widening reach.

Combat deaths this year are running at the highest level of the 9-year-old war, making 2010 the most lethal for Western troops' since the United States-led invasion that toppled the Taliban movement.

Of course, everyone in the Obama administration is busy bragging about the "progress" we're making in Afghanistan.

The fool-in-chief

Iran's president taunted archenemy Israel on Thursday from just across the tense border in Lebanon, rallying tens of thousands of Hezbollah supporters as Israeli attack helicopters buzzed in the skies nearby.

"The world should know that the Zionists will perish," declared Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, echoing previous verbal attacks in which he has said Israel should be wiped off the map.

"Occupied Palestine will be liberated from the filth of occupation by the strength of resistance and through the faith of the resistance," the Iranian leader vowed as cheers went up from the crowd, waving a sea of Lebanese, Iranian and Hezbollah flags.

The fiery speech was delivered in the border village of Bint Jbeil, which was nearly destroyed by Israeli bombs in the 2006 war with Hezbollah and rebuilt with the help of Iranian cash. A stronghold of the Shiite militant group, Ahmadinejad's visit to the southern Lebanese area was denounced by Washington and Israel as a provocation.

What kind of fool stands 1000 feet from a foreign border, shaking his fist and throwing rocks?

The only bigger fool would be an American president who lets that maniac get nuclear weapons.

I'm trying to decide which one is the fool-in-chief.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Justice Kagan recuses herself from 25 of 51 pending cases

Elena Kagan begins hearing cases as the Supreme Court's 112th justice Monday morning. But anyone who wants to see her in action needs to be sharp.

Kagan will hear the first case argued before the court, then slip quietly through the burgundy velvet curtains behind the bench. She'll be out of the action in all three cases : Tuesday. Her chair will be empty when the court returns next Tuesday and she'll put in a half-day the next day.

Kagan's old job as solicitor general - the "10th justice" - is initially making it hard to do her new job as the ninth justice.

Kagan, 50, has recused herself from 25 of the 51 cases the court has accepted so far this term, all as a result of her 14-month tenure as solicitor general, the government's chief legal representative in the Supreme Court and the nation's lower appellate courts.

I can't decide whether this reflects more poorly on Kagan's judgment or Obama's - - what's the use of appointing a justice who can't participate in the decision making process?

More Obama-style success in Afghanistan

The anti-war candidate who morphed into the warmonger president "succeeds" again:

In a bloody day for NATO troops in Afghanistan, insurgents killed six service members Wednesday, including four who died in a single bomb blast in the volatile south of the country.

One was killed in the east in an attack early in the day, and another died in the south in a separate roadside bombing. NATO did not provide nationalities of the dead.

This year has been the deadliest for international troops in the nine-year Afghan conflict. At least 34 NATO service members have been killed so far this month. More than 2,000 have died since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.

This is Obama's war. He owns these senseless deaths.

Too bad the anti war movement was actually an anti Bush's war movement.

By the way - - young people aren't fired up to vote in 2010 because they thought they were voting against war in 2006 and 2008, but they were lied to by Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Again . . . today's weather neither proves nor disproves global warming

After the year of Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma, everyone from Texas to North Carolina was warned that global warming had caused a "new normal" - - at least a dozen named tropical storms and hurricanes per year hitting the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, many category 3 or above.

And, since then . . . nothing.

Another hurricane, another escape for South Florida.

After crossing the mountains of Cuba early Friday morning, Paula continued weakening into a tropical depression and made way for what shapes up as a perfect weekend as a cold front pushes in behind it. The balmy forecast for Saturday and Sunday: still breezy but mostly sunny, with night-time lows in the mid-60s and daytime highs in the mid-80s in Miami-Dade and Broward. The Keys will be about the same, just slightly warmer at night in the mid-70s.

Paula, the 16th named storm and ninth hurricane of a busy season, weakened at just the right time. Its winds, which had topped 100 mph, continued to drop in the hours before it made landfall around noon Thursday on the northwestern coast of Cuba near Puerto Esperanza, where a top gust of 68 mph was recorded.

Again . . . it's hot in summer, cold and snowy in winter, and it rains during rainy season. Most years, there are hurricanes during hurricane season. Some years, the hurricanes make landfall on U.S. shores.

Yearly variations in the severity of these conditions neither prove nor disprove the long term global environmental effects of carbon based pollutants in the atmosphere. Rely on hard science, not media reports of anecdotal evidence by those who already made up their minds either way.

By the way, it did snow 3" yesterday at Whiteface Lake Placid ski and snowsports area. That proves nothing, other than it's going to be a great ski season!

Military corruption: Another argument for divided government

After pressure from two key senators, the Pentagon has reversed course and will require that the retired generals and admirals it hires as consultants file public, not confidential, financial disclosure statements, according to letters from Congress and the Defense Department.

Senators Carl Levin, D-Mich., and John McCain, R-Ariz., the chairman and ranking member on the Armed Services Committee, told the Pentagon that "senior mentors exercise a level of . . . influence" that demands public disclosure. They wrote that if the Pentagon resisted, they would propose legislation mandating it.

. . . "Anybody who consults with the Pentagon about the right way to conduct its programs needs to disclose potential conflicts of interest," Andrews said.

. . . A USA Today investigation last year found that mentors made up to $440 an hour in taxpayer dollars, many times their pay while in uniform. Mentors advise active-duty officers, take part in war games and aid in military planning. The earnings came on top of military pensions as high as $220,000 a year. At the same time, many mentors held jobs with defense contractors selling products and services to the Pentagon.

In other words, the Obama Defense Department was paying retired officers up to $440 per hour to consult, including to make recommendations as to the use and efficiency of various suppliers and contractors . . . without requiring the disclosure of whether they were also being paid by those suppliers and contractors. It was oversight by a Republican senator which brought this potential for corruption to light.

Unfortunately, both parties in Congress seem to think that loyalty to their team is more important than their Constitutional oversight duties. This is why we need divided government to guarantee aggressive Congressional oversight. It is no coincidence that when we had divided government from 1994 to 2000, America was doing great.

The power of the Iowa caucus

In a move that triggered immediate, furious controversy, the government said Wednesday that gasoline now may contain up to 15% ethanol — grain alcohol, usually from corn in the U.S. — instead of just 10%.

The Environmental Protection Agency ruling approves E15 only for 2007 model and newer cars and trucks. But EPA hinted it soon will include vehicles back to 2001. "Thorough testing has now shown that E15 does not harm" newer vehicles, EPA chief Lisa Jackson said.
EPA said E15 is not legal in older vehicles, heavy-duty equipment, boats and small engines such as in lawn mowers.

The action is a response to a March 2009 petition by ethanol backer Growth Energy and 54 ethanol manufacturers. It has no effect on E85 — an 85% ethanol mix not even considered gasoline. E85 can be used in "flex-fuel" vehicles designed for it.

E15 is allowed, not required, and some gas stations are likely to skip the expense of converting from the common E10 or the straight gasoline they sell now.

Ethanol backers say the move will cut U.S. dependence on foreign oil, reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for climate change, help corn farmers and provide U.S. jobs.

Opponents — an unlikely alliance of environmentalists, food companies, small-engine makers, oil companies and more — say using more corn-based ethanol could damage engines, push up grocery prices and increase air pollution.

"Burning ethanol can cause toxic air pollutants to be emitted from vehicle tailpipes . . ."

There are no economic, environmental, security or engineering justifications for the increased percentage of ethanol in gasoline.

The only reason is the strength of the corn growers' lobby in Iowa, the site of the early and important presidential caucus.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Arab negotiators throw away another good opportunity

Palestinian officials have rejected an offer by the Israeli government to halt settlement construction if they recognise Israel as a "Jewish state".

More than 40 years ago, in 1967, after the Six Day War, Israel offered to withdraw from all the newly occupied territories if the Arab states recognized Israel's right to exist. The offer was rejected.

That was followed by the Allon Plan, an Israeli proposal to partition the West Bank between Israel and Jordan in exchange for the Arab states' recognition of Israel. The offer was rejected.

As the years go by, and as facts on the ground change, Israel has offered less and less in exchange for Arab recognition of its right to exist. Each offer has been rejected.

Right now, they're all doing it again.

Another reason why Haiti is doomed

In the days after the January earthquake devastated Haiti, residents and business owners opened their pocketbooks to help the crushed nation, giving thousands to the city of North Miami -- purportedly for American Red Cross relief efforts.

Mayor Andre Pierre, who was born in Haiti, flew to the Caribbean nation in July and presented a ceremonial, oversized check to Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.

Yet, nine months later, the $116,300 in donations sits in a city bank account.

Haitian exiles in the City of North Miami raised money for Haiti. North Miami's Haitian exile politicians presented the Haitian prime minister with a big ceremonial check at a major media event. Then, the Haitian exile politicians kept all the money in Miami. As of today, nothing was received by the intended recipients.

Haiti is doomed because even all Haitians exiles in America can't be trusted to properly account for and delivery charitable donations to the Haitian people.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Life after politics at Waterville Valley ski resort

The Sununu family includes a former White House chief of staff, a former New Hampshire governor and a former U.S. senator from New Hampshire.

Now, it also includes the owners of New Hampshire's Waterville Valley ski resort.

A group of New Hampshire locals headed by the Sununus purchased the Waterville Valley Ski Area, which includes the alpine ski area, the nordic center, the conference center and town square.

No social security raises . . . again

For the second straight year Social Security recipients aren't seeing a bump in their check from Uncle Sam. Social Security cost of living adjustments are set each year based on inflation, and because there was none this year there is no increase in benefits.

Fresh from attacking Republicans over social security, and immediately on the heels of its midterm elections campaign pledge to preserve and protect social security, the Obama administration was forced to announce a social security payment freeze for the second year in a row.

The Obama administration now has the dubious distinction of being the first presidency under which no social security recipient has received any payment increase or cost of living adjustment.

By the way - - with gas, energy and health care costs skyrocketing, and negative returns on 401K and other retirement acounts, how can they continue to deny that the cost of living for seniors has gone up?

Obama wants voters 'fired up'?

President Obama tried Sunday to recapture some of the excitement of his 2008 campaign, imploring voters not to reward what he called Republican cynicism and incompetence by sitting out the Nov. 2 elections.

The president delivered a stinging indictment of the GOP record to several thousand people in Philadelphia's Germantown neighborhood.

Obama acknowledged that many Americans are frustrated, especially about the economy. He said Republicans have decided "to ride that frustration and anger" without providing solutions. And he said congressional Republicans deliberately opposed his administration and the Democratic majority on almost every issue.

When the 10+% of American workers who have been fired find new jobs, they'll get "fired up" in support of Obama.

In the interim, while unemployment stays flat at record high levels, with no relief in sight, Obama needs to get back to his office and do his job. He was elected to be president of all Americans, working full time at solving our problems, not campaigning full time for his partisan buddies and fundraising full time from those seeking corrupt favors from his administration.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Immigrant advocates teaching English to illegals?

As the prospect of Congress passing an overhaul of immigration law wanes, immigration advocacy groups are shifting their sights from the U.S. Capitol and focusing on their local communities.

They are forming neighborhood committees to help legal and illegal immigrants navigate deportation proceedings and learn English.,-monitor-police-raids-l:1279847376.html?method=rss

For decades, opposition to immigration has been growing due to the perceived refusal of immigrants to learn and speak English.

Obviously, if "immigration advocates" had been teaching English to immigrants all along, there wouldn't be so much hostility to immigration today.

But, now that the perceived refusal to assimilate has turned public opinion against continued immigration, "immigrant advocates" are teaching English to immigrants to assist them in their fight against deportation.

Ironically, after years of insisting that it should not be necessary to learn and speak English, "immigration advocates" now implicitly concede that English language proficiency is required to successfully function in our society.

Obama giving Hillary the finger

Here's a you tube video, filmed in 2008, of Obama flipping off Hillary Clinton the day after she beat him bad in a debate.

Of course, at the time, this was never shown on any television network or discussed in the mainstream media (the same media that searched and searches through old video clips for embarrassing statements and pictures of Clinton, Palin, O'Donnell, etc.)

It must be great to have the entire press corps working to get you elected.

Unfortunately, in 2008, they worked to elect an incompetent.

Throwing the fight?

Prosecutors on Sunday said they will not appeal a U.S. judge's ruling that refused to let a key witness testify in the first criminal trial of a terrorism suspect from the Guantanamo Bay military prison.

"The government ... has decided not to pursue an appeal from the court's decision," said a letter from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District to the presiding judge in the case.

If the Obama Justice Department loses this trial, and a terrorist walks free, this will be the reason why.

There is simply no logical reason for the government to waive its right to appeal the judge's adverse ruling on the admissibility of the testimony of the star prosecution witness. The government's litigation budget in this matter is unlimited. Any of the usual concerns as to delay, logistics and costs are inapplicable to the government.

It makes no sense . . unless they're trying to throw the trial.

This is a situation in which the main actors are either stupid or evil.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Obama-style success in Afghanistan

A provincial governor and at least 14 other people were killed by a massive bomb blast inside a packed mosque during Friday prayers in northern Afghanistan, where insurgents have stepped up violence amid intensified NATO-Afghan military operations.

. . . Gen. Shah Jahan Noori, the provincial police chief, said the governor of neighboring Kunduz province, Mohammad Omar, was killed along with 14 other people. The bomb was meant to kill Omar, who regularly attends Friday prayers at the mosque, Takhar Gov. Abdul Jabar Taqwa said.

"He was the target, and the terrorists were able to kill him," Taqwa said. "This is a big loss for us because Mohammad Omar was a very brave and good governor."

Islamic militants bomb mosques while people are at prayer.

Meanwhile, Americans peacefully protest the construction of a mosque at Ground Zero, appealing to the sensitivity of the developers, while fully acknowledging the constitutional right to build the mosque.

Why is it the Americans who are deemed the "Islamophobes"?

Ski areas opening soon?

Believe it or not, most high mountain resorts are opening for the ski season within the next 30 days. As usual, Colorado's Loveland and Arapahoe Basin ski areas will be among the first in the nation to open.

Again, all this means is that it starts snowing in the mountains as winter approaches.

It does not disprove the theory of global warming!

Gas prices are Obama's next problem

Consumers are paying more at the gas pump, and prices could go a touch higher, oil and gasoline industry analysts say.

The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline nationwide was $2.80 Sunday, up 32.6 cents from the same time last year and its highest level since May, auto club AAA says.

Unemployment high and flat, incomes falling, and now gas prices going up?

Higher gas prices are the most quickly noticeable of price increases across the broadest segment of society. People know how much their fill up cost last week, and immediately note any difference.

If gas prices keep going up, Obama's standing and Democratic election prospects will continue to go down.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The next time someone tells you that we're a bunch of rednecks but the French are so sophisticated - -

show them this - -
France's constitutional watchdog on Thursday endorsed a divisive law forbidding face-covering Islamic veils anywhere in public, but expressed concern about applying it in places of worship such as a mosque.

The decision of the Constitutional Council removes a key hurdle for the law, overwhelmingly approved in both houses of parliament last month, despite concerns from some Muslims that it will further stigmatize France's No. 2 religion.

The law, the first of its kind in western Europe, forbids veils such as the niqab or burqa anywhere in public and imposes a euro150 fine ($210) on anyone wearing one — and a euro30,000 ($41,700) fine on anyone who forces a woman to wear one. Only some 2,000 women in France are estimated to wear such veils, but proponents see the law as a symbolic defense of French values such as women's rights and secularism.

Always remember, according to the U.S. media, the French are chic and cultured, and Americans are Islamophobes!

Our Afghan ally

They make believe they're telling us the truth, and we make believe we believe them.

For example, this week Afghanistan denied it's in high-level talks with the Taliban:
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government Wednesday denied reports that secret high-level talks with the Taliban had begun, although signals from various quarters suggested that back-channel contacts with the insurgency were gathering momentum.

But, we announced this week that we support Afghanistan's talks with the Taliban:
President Barack Obama supports recent attempts by the Afghan government to open peace talks with Taliban leaders, but still wants the insurgents to renounce violence and their support of al-Qaida, the White House said Wednesday.

We are reduced to endorsing things our ally denies doing.

Does Rep. Murphy not see what he did wrong?

PATRICK MURPHY, a Democrat who represents Pennsylvania’s Eighth Congressional District . . . was the first Iraq veteran elected to Congress — and one of the first elected officials in Pennsylvania to throw his support to Barack Obama. . . . [the district's] voters overwhelmingly preferred Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary . . . a late September poll . . . had [Murphy] trailing [his challenger] Mr. Fitzpatrick by 14 points among likely voters . . .

If you are elected to represent your district, and you go against the "overwhelming" choice of your district, don't be surprised if you turn off enough of your district to fall behind in the next election.

There's a real pattern developing - - many 2008 "super delegates" (elected officials automatically entitled to vote at the 2008 Democratic convention) who opposed the will of their area voters as expressed in the 2008 Democratic state primary are facing loss due to an "enthusiasm gap".

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Big spenders just don't get it!

From Bob Herbert in the New York Times:

We can go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan . . . But we can’t seem to build a railroad tunnel to carry commuters between New Jersey and New York.

Why do big spenders not realize that it's BECAUSE we're at war in Iraq and Afghanistan that we can’t afford to build a railroad tunnel to carry commuters between New Jersey and New York.

Maybe if the anti war presidential candidate Herbert supported in 2008 had kept his word, and ended those wars, we would be able to afford our domestic needs.

As a matter of fact, that was the platform Obama ran on - - end foreign wars and spend the money on our needs at home.

Cuba adopts "official dress garment"

In the revolution's heyday an olive-green uniform was the favoured official garment but Cuba has now embraced a looser, floppier look: the guayabera.

The foreign ministry has ordered officials to wear the pleated shirt, which has four big pockets and is worn untucked, to state functions. A resolution which was made law today made the guayabera an official dress garment, AP reported.

"The guayabera has been a part of the history of our country for a long time and constitutes one of the most authentic and legitimate expressions of Cubanism," the resolution said.

Male officials must wear white, long-sleeved versions at state events but women can vary colour and style. The shirt, normally linen or cotton, is considered ideal for humid, tropical climates.

I can't think of a better example of intrusive government with no respect for individual choice, opinion or taste.

Unfortunately, Cuba has a dictatorial regime which adopts an official mandatory garment . . . and, unfortunately, we have an administration that includes admirers of the Cuban dictator who tells people what they must wear.

What happens if we lose a big civilian terror trial?

A federal judge in New York has barred a key prosecution witness from testifying in the trial of a suspect in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa after ruling that the government learned of the man through coercive CIA interrogations at a secret prison overseas.

The ruling is a significant blow to prosecutors who had described the man as a "giant witness" in the case against Ahmed Ghailani, a Tanzanian accused of obtaining bomb material, scouting the U.S. Embassy in the Tanzanian capital and acting as guide for an Egyptian suicide bomber. Nearly simultaneous bombings in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.

The decision by Judge Lewis A. Kaplan could complicate any effort by the Obama administration to revive its plans to put major al-Qaeda figures held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on trial in civilian courts in the United States.

If the prosecution loses this trial, there will be no more civilian terror trials.

And, after the 2012 election, there will be no more President Obama.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Obama does something right!

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

More illegal immigrants with criminal convictions are being deported in recent years, driving up the number of people being removed from the United States, according to data from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. . . Of the 350,000 people deported this year, more than half had criminal convictions, a 55 percent increase since 2008, ICE data show.

Of course, this is Obama, so don't get too excited.

At the same time, deportation numbers for those deemed noncriminals have declined. . . . noncriminal deportations – which include voluntary returns – have dropped 30 percent.

In other words, if you steal a car from an American, you will be deported. But, if you steal a job or social services or tax dollars, you can stay.

It's already snowing . . .

at Keystone, Breckenridge, Vail and Beaver Creek in Colorado.

Heavenly in Lake Tahoe, California, already received over 3 inches of snow this week.

None of that disproves the theory of man made climate change, any more than a heat wave in the summer proves the theory of global warming.

All it means is that, in a good ski year, it starts snowing in the high mountains in October.

And, that it looks like it's going to be a great ski season.

Don't listen to anyone who cites it as evidence of anything else.

Florida and Alaska

Something weirdly similar is happening in these two dissimilar states on opposite ends of the nation.

In the far north west, Alaskan tea party favorite Miller beat moderate conservative Murkowski in the Republican primary. The loser is being a sore loser, resulting in a 3 way race. As of now, the official Republican nominee is at 38%, the newly independent Republican is at 30% . . . and the Democrat is way behind at 23%.

In the far south east, Florida's tea party favorite Rubio chased moderate conservative Crist out of the Republican party. This loser is also being a sore loser, resulting in another 3 way race. As of now, the official Republican nominee is at 43%, the newly independent Republican is at 27% . . . and the Democrat is way behind at 21%.

Talk about an enthusiasm gap! All the action is between Republican factions, with the Democrat limping behind. It's hard to remember that Obama won Florida in '08, and Democrats made huge advances in Alaska in '06 and '08. But, once Obama and company started implementing his agenda, they reversed all those gains.

And, compare this to '06 - - when the race in Connecticut was between Democratic factions headed by Lieberman and Lamont, with the Republicans on the sidelines. Whatever advantage Democrats obtained from Bush's failures have been erased since '08 by Obama.

No one would have guessed that the savior of the Republican party was neither McCain nor Palin nor Romney, but Obama!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Not to defend a Medicare fraudster . . .

but what is this judge thinking?

A former Miami Springs High pitching star who almost played in the majors threw himself at the mercy of a federal judge Thursday . . . The judge was not amused, slapping Marquez with a 22-year prison sentence for Medicare fraud. . .

"The kingdom of God is not in fancy cars or $60,000 dinners," [U.S. District Judge Patricia] Seitz told the 38-year-old Marquez, whose parents, wife and others attended the hearing. "The kingdom of God is in service to others."

Obviously, the judge violated the First Amendment by bringing up the requirements of "The Kingdom of God" at a sentencing hearing. And, she probably just gave a creative appellate lawyer grounds for appeal (and reversal).

I'm not sure which mistake is more offensive.

Funeral protests? Just beat them up

Supreme Court justices on Wednesday pondered the vexing question of whether the father of a dead Marine should win his lawsuit against a fundamentalist church group that picketed his son's funeral.

The complexity and weightiness of the First Amendment issue were palpable in the courtroom as justices heard arguments in the case of Albert Snyder. His son died in Iraq in 2006, and members of the Westboro Baptist Church protested the funeral to make their point that U.S. deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq are punishment for Americans' immorality, including tolerance of homosexuality and abortion.

. . . Snyder is asking the court to reinstate a $5 million verdict against the Westboro members who held signs outside the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, including ones that read "Thank God for Dead Soldiers, "You're Going to Hell" and "God Hates the USA." The Marine was killed in a Humvee accident in 2006.

The church also posted a poem on its website that attacked Snyder and his ex-wife for the way they brought up Matthew.

When I was younger, my father and my uncles would have beat the protesters up, and that would have been the end of it.

No cop would have arrested the family members.

No prosecutor would have indicted the family members.

And, if by some remote chance, the family members found themselves before a judge, they would plead temporary insanity, and no jury would convict - - because they would be telling the truth.

Some people need to be smacked, not sued.

White House suppressed BP oil spill data

Government scientists wanted to tell Americans early on how bad the BP oil spill could get, but the White House denied their request to make the worst-case models public, a report by the staff of the national panel investigating the spill said Wednesday.

White House officials denied that they tried to suppress the information.

The allegation was made by unnamed government officials cited in a staff working paper released Wednesday by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling. Although not a final report, it could raise questions over whether the Obama administration tried to minimize the extent of the BP oil spill, the worst man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history.

The staff paper said that underestimating the flow rates "undermined public confidence in the federal government's response" by creating the impression that the government was either incompetent or untrustworthy. The paper said that the loss of trust "fuels public fears."

In a separate report, the commission's staff concluded that despite the Coast Guard's insistence that it was always responding to the worst-case scenario, the failure to have an accurate flow rate slowed the response and lulled Obama administration officials into a false belief that the spill would be controlled easily.

Never forget why they would do that:

BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Donations come from a mix of employees and the company’s political action committees — $2.89 million flowed to campaigns from BP-related PACs and about $638,000 came from individuals.

And never forget why Obama would let them:

During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.

Not a bad return on a $77,051 investment!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Obama's buddy exports terrorism

Two suspected Basque separatist militants arrested in Spain last week took a weapons training course in Venezuela, a Spanish judge said Monday.

Judge Ismael Moreno said one of the instructors in the 2008 course is a suspected ETA member who is a longtime resident of Venezuela, now has Venezuelan nationality and has held a post in the government of President Hugo Chavez.

That alleged ETA member, Arturo Cubillas Fontan, was indicted by Spain in March of this year. Among other things, Spain accuses him of helping ETA arrange explosives training with Colombian FARC rebels inside Venezuelan territory.

. . . Spain's Foreign Ministry said it had asked Venezuelan authorities to provide any information it might have relating to the training of the suspected ETA members in the Latin American country.

. . . The judge said in an order issued Monday that the course they took in July and August 2008 involved training in marksmanship, disassembling and cleaning guns and communicating in code.

Venezuelan authorities say Cubillas has lived in Venezuela since 1989, when he came from Algeria under an agreement with Spain. He is one of about 30 Basque separatists sent to Venezuela under various agreements with Spain in the 1980s and early '90s.

Cubillas is married to a Venezuelan woman and has held a post in the agriculture ministry in Chavez's government.

Chavez was one of the first foreign leaders Obama reached out to - - Obama gave him a hug, called him "amigo" and exchanged gifts.

Obama is either an awful judge of character, or he likes terror supporting leftist dictators.

More bad jobs news

Private-sector job growth tumbled by 39,000 from August to September, a considerably worse number than analysts had expected and indicative that the employment market is far from recovery, according to ADP.

. . . The goods-producing sector suffered the most, with 45,000 jobs lost and manufacturing lost 17,000, while medium-sized businesses lost 14,000 and large businesses dropped 11,000. The service sector provided the only growth, with a gain of 6,000.

. . . Employers planned to lay off 37,151 workers in September, up 7 percent from the 34,768 planned job cuts in August, a low for 2010.

By now, everyone should agree that the "stimulus" bill was a failure.

Even it's most ardent defenders are reduced to the "it could have been worse" defense.

Mexico sued Arizona over its state immigration law . . .

but failed to protect its own indigenous women from rape by Mexican soldiers.

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemned Mexico on Monday for failing to protect the rights of two indigenous women who were raped by soldiers in 2002.

In two separate rulings, the Costa Rica-based court said Mexico failed to guarantee the rights to personal integrity, dignity and legal protection of Valentina Rosendo and Ines Fernandez, both of southern Guerrero state.

Mexico must publicly acknowledge its responsibility and called for a civilian investigation into the crimes, rather than the military one, which resulted in no charges, according to the ruling. The government also must compensate both women and publish the court rulings in Spanish and the women's indigenous language, Me'phaa.

Mexico does nothing to protect indigenous women from rape by its soldiers, but sues Arizona in American courts for "violating human rights" by asking illegal aliens for their i.d.

You would think we would have some self respecting leaders capable of answering this hypocrisy. Unfortunately, we don't.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wasn't this supposed to be one of the benefits of the stimulus bill?

The United States has a rapidly decaying and woefully underfunded transportation system that will undermine its status in the global economy unless innovative reforms are undertaken, a bipartisan panel of experts concluded in a report released yesterday.

U.S. investment in preservation and development of transportation infrastructure lags so far behind that of China, Russia and European countries that it will lead to "a steady erosion of the social and economic foundations for American prosperity in the long run."

That is a central conclusion in a report issued on behalf of about 80 transportation experts who met for three days in September 2009 at the University of Virginia. Few of their conclusions were ground-breaking, but the weight of their credentials lends gravity to their findings.

The group - whose co-chairmen were two former secretaries of transportation, Norman Mineta and Samuel Skinner - estimated that an additional $134 billion to $262 billion must be spent per year through 2035 to rebuild and improve roads, rail systems and air transportation.

Seriously - - weren't the stimulus funds supposed to be spent on "shovel ready transportation projects"?

Of course, they ended up being spent on raises for public sector employees represented by unions that backed Obama in 2008.

Pakistan is the Taliban's ally, not our ally

Assailants launched two separate attacks on tankers carrying fuel for foreign troops in Afghanistan on Friday, showing the vulnerability of NATO supply lines a day after the Pakistani government itself shut one down.

The events stand to complicate a difficult war in Afghanistan, especially if the Torkham border crossing along the fabled Khyber Pass remains closed for long. They are a reminder of the leverage Pakistan has over the United States just as Washington seeks the help of its uncomfortable ally at a crucial point in the 9-year-long conflict.

They also highlight the importance of recently opened supply routes into landlocked Afghanistan through central Asian states to its north. Those routes are safer, but the Pakistani lines from the Arabian seaport of Karachi north to Kabul and Kandahar in Afghanistan are cheaper and account for most of NATO's non-lethal supplies.

Pakistan shut down the Torkham border crossing - the most important NATO supply into Afghanistan - on Thursday in apparent protest of a NATO helicopter attack that killed three Pakistani soldiers on the frontier. It was the third such incursion into Pakistan in less than a week.

The other NATO supply line through Pakistan remained open - the Chaman crossing in Baluchistan, where it seemed likely the tankers were heading.

Pakistan funnels NATO and U.S. traffic through one supply line, lines us up like sitting ducks, and then the Taliban swoops down and picks us off.

Obviously, Pakistan and the Taliban are acting in concert.

Pakistan is neither our friend nor our ally. It is complicit in the recent Taliban attacks on NATO and U.S. forces.

(125 miles) south of the border, down Mejico way

An explosion at a plaza in northeastern Mexico injured 15 people, an attack authorities blamed Sunday on drug cartels targeting the civilian population to cause chaos.

Police believe the attackers threw a grenade Saturday night at the main square in the town of Guadalupe, but were still trying to confirm the type of explosive, said Adrian de la Garza, the director of the investigations agency of Nuevo Leon, where the town is located.

Six children, the youngest 3 years old, were among the injured, said Francisco Gonzalez, the state deputy health director. He said the injuries were not life-threatening, and most of the victims had returned home from the hospital.

It was the fourth such attack in two days in the area around the city of Monterrey, which has been reeling from a turf war between the Gulf and Zetas drug gangs.

Unfortunately, our government is focused on securing the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and doesn't seem to care about our border with Mexico. They certainly never got around to building that wall.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mainstream anti Semites defend Rick Sanchez

Andrew Sullivan and Christopher Hitchens (typical old school snobby Brits) respond to Rick Sanchez' anti Semitic rant with a "No, but . . ." defense of Sanchez, dismissing his hate speech as merely "heavily sarcastic", and even manage to throw in more than a little bit about the dangerous power of "the Jewish lobby on Capitol Hill".

Read them for yourself:

Note: Their warning is not about the pro Israel lobby. It's about the Jewish lobby.

Why are these two hired to be honored guests on Sunday talk shows?

Mainstream media: The Ground Zero mosque will be awesome!

Conceptual sketches of the Islamic center planned two blocks from ground zero envision a futuristic-looking building wrapped in a honeycomb of abstract shapes, with a core containing far more space for secular pursuits than religious worship.

The renderings, some of which were posted on the project's website this week, are preliminary, but they project the development team's desire to build something cosmopolitan and fun on a site now known only for controversy.

. . . The largest part of the building - four of 16 floors - would be taken up by a sports, fitness and swimming center. Another full floor would be occupied by a child care center and playground.

We're told that "on paper, NY Islamic center looks modern, secular".

Nonetheless, the sports, fitness and swimming center will be sexually segregated, as required by the Muslim religion.

Obviously, everyone has the right to practice their religion. If your religion mandates sexual inequality, it is your right as an American to follow your beliefs in the practice of your religion. (See Orthodox Jews, Traditionalist Catholics, L.D.S. aka Mormons, etc.)

But, it's wrong for the mainstream media to try to pass off a sexually segregated "sports, fitness and swimming center" as "cosmopolitan", "fun", "modern" or "secular" to people who don't know the rules demanding inequality of the sexes.

For some reason, the media wants to spin this as if the guys and gals from Wall Street will all be able to pop in during lunch or after work and go to spinning class together. They won't. And, don't think about jumping in the pool at the same time.

Civility in politics?

Thousands of liberal and labor activists rallied in the nation's capital Saturday and in other U.S. cities, calling for young or disillusioned Democrats to vote in the November elections.

. . . MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz whipped up the midday crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

"The conservative voices of America, they're holding you down!" Schultz shouted, calling them "forces of evil."

An MSNBC anchor stood before a crowd of thousands and called his political opponents "forces of evil".

I guess we're due for another lecture on "civility in politics" from all the progressives on MSNBC.

Iraq: I guess we lost

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Friday took a major step toward a second term by securing the support of a Shiite Muslim political bloc that includes the anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

The reversal by al-Sadr's bloc - which until recently had strongly opposed returning al-Maliki to power - leaves al-Maliki just shy of a parliamentary majority and figures to end nearly seven months of political deadlock that the U.S. military has blamed for a recent uptick in insurgent attacks.

While Obama administration officials have been pushing Iraqi political leaders to end the stalemate, and have privately said that an al-Maliki victory would help bring about a peaceful transfer of power, the critical role played by al-Sadr brings a decidedly mixed outcome for Washington. Al-Sadr's followers waged some of the most brutal attacks against U.S. forces during the Iraqi civil war and have close ties to Iran.

After almost a decade in Iraq, we're set to turn Iraq over to a coalition dominated by a Shiite Muslim political bloc that is in turn dominated by anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The most brutal attacks against U.S. forces, and the most vicious fighting of the war, involved the Iranian-allied al-Sadr. Remember the battles over Sadr City?

I guess we lost and al-Sadr won.

Monday, October 4, 2010

South of the border, down Mejico way

Texas officials on Friday renewed warnings about pirates marauding on a U.S.-Mexico border lake after a Colorado tourist was gunned down in Mexican waters while his wife dodged bullets and raced her Jet Ski back to American soil.

Search teams combed the U.S. side of Falcon Lake for David Michael Hartley, 30, whose wife told police he was shot in the back of the head Thursday after being ambushed by gunmen on boats.

The gunmen are suspected pirates who have turned Falcon Lake, a waterskiing and bass fishing hotspot down the border from Laredo, into uneasy waters for fishermen and boaters. There have been at least five reported run-ins with pirates on the lake this year, though prior holdups had never been deadly.

. . . The shooting led Texas public safety officials to again urge boaters to stay on the U.S. side of the 60-mile lake, five months after issuing its initial advisory following three pirate attacks.

. . . Violence on the Mexican side of the lake has been climbing for several months, as a fractured partnership between the region's dominant Gulf Cartel and its former enforcers, the Zetas, plunged many of the area's Mexican border cities into violence.

When pirates threaten foreigners in the Middle East and off the coast of north Africa, the U.S. sends in the Navy and the Marines.

Pirates in our own backyard? For some reason, no U.S. response.

I thought they hate America because we support Israel . . .

and if we just dropped Israel, they would leave us alone.

So, how do you explain al-Qaeda taking hostages from anti-Israel France?
A tape released Thursday on a jihadist forum shows the first images of a group of hostages including five French citizens since they were seized two weeks ago in Niger by an al-Qaeda offshoot and taken into the desert.

The four-minute tape shows still images of the hostages sitting cross-legged in the sand with a gently sloping dune behind them. French officials believe the seven hostages are now in the bordering West African nation of Mali.

The hostages were grabbed in the middle of the night on Sept. 16 from their guarded villas in the uranium mining town of Arlit in Niger where they were working for French nuclear giant Areva.

The French Foreign Ministry said the tape was encouraging because its images show the hostages alive.

Could it be that there's no placating them, and there's no justification for their actions, and they simply need to be wiped out?

Another progressive turns dictatorial

President Evo Morales says Bolivia's new constitution will let him seek another five-year term in 2014 - even though opposition leaders insist the document rules out re-election.

The leftist former coca-grower's union leader told a news conference late Tuesday that he outmaneuvered opponents who had tried to write language into the new constitution that would block him from extending his presidency.

. . . First elected in 2005, Morales won re-election in December under the revamped constitution approved in January 2009.

That new law allows just one re-election, and rivals say that rules him out for 2014.

But Morales said the limit doesn't apply because the vote in 2009 was his first election under the new constitution. The 2005 ballot that first brought him to the presidency doesn't count, he argued.

The dispute sets up a potential court fight.

In the 60's and 70's, the threats to South American democracy were from both the left (such as Castro) and the right (such as Pinochet).

Today, they're exclusively from the left (Chavez, Ortega, Morales, etc.).