Monday, April 20, 2009

More America bashing - - from Americans

Hailing Obama's "resetting of US foreign policy" as "a welcomed [sic] breath of fresh air", Charles Lemos of mydd applauds Obama's "owning up to [the United States'] excesses and mistakes." "For too long, American foreign policy has been predicated on a notion that only the United States has it right and that the rest of the world would do well to replicate the American way of life."

Read the whole thing:

In fact, the United States does have it right, and the rest of the world would do well to replicate the American way of life.

But, for some reason, these Obama people applaud Chavez and Castro and every other tin pot third world banana republic strong man, and only see the dark side of America.

The irony? Given the chance, the citizens of all these countries vote with their feet, and are more than happy to come to America to partake in the much-maligned "American way of life". Maybe Lemos would like to trade places with an Afro-Cuban political prisoner in Castro's workers' paradise? I have a feeling the new guy would be more appreciative of America.

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