Friday, April 29, 2011

Why did we dump Mubarak?

Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas on Wednesday signed a preliminary agreement on reconciliation during talks in Cairo, paving the way for forming an interim government to prepare for elections.

The Palestinian movements of Fatah and Hamas reached an agreement on all controversial issues including the elections and the formation of the interim government . . .

A source told Xinhua that Egypt will invite Palestinian National Authority (PNA) President Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal and other Palestinian factions to Cairo within a week to sign the final agreement which aims at ending the political split between the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and the West Bank ruled by the Fatah-led PNA.

Mubarak's Egyptian government opposed the Hamas terrorist group.

The U.S. backed opponents of Mubarak now in control of Egypt are using their new found power to support and promote Hamas.

Why did we back these so-called "peaceful democrats"?

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